087 265 1651 | info@jccontracts.ie | Ballintra, Donegal
Paving at JC Contracts comes naturally, and is a mainstay of our landscaping services. We provide a stellar paving service, complete with the installation of paving slabs and levelling service to help get the optimal surface for paving.
We are willing to discuss all different kinds of paving options and designs with our customers in order to get their outdoor area looking exactly how they want it.
Paving Slabs
We use only the finest sourced paving slabs for your paving projects, coming in a wide range of bespoke styles, patterns and materials.
Paving slabs can either be used in a way that blends into the surrounding outdoor area or used to stand out as their own unique element of your outdoor area. Contact us today to discuss colours and styles.

Garden Paving
At JC Contracts, one of the most common types of environments we work in is gardens and lawns. Compared to flowerbeds, plants or trees, some might assume paving to be a relatively minor element of a garden.
Our premier garden paving services aim to prove that assumption wrong. We deliver stellar garden paving using only the finest paving slabs to either build on your garden’s unique look or to add a new standout element for your garden.
With all of our paving services, we go through a comprehensive levelling process to get the best surface for our paving jobs. Levelling involves the clearing of any debris or dirt that may impact the process.
The detailed levelling process makes sure to find any inconsistency with the surface pre-paving, and you can see the effect it has when the paving slabs have been laid down with no inconsistencies or mishaps.
Paving FAQ
Where can I find paving services near me?
Our paving services are located in Ballintra, Donegal and we cater to all customers in the county. We conduct pre-screenings of all sites to determine our equipment and materials needed.
What types of outdoor areas do you do paving on?
We work on all kinds of outdoor areas such as gardens and lawns, driveways and patios.